Atrium Dynamic

The Atrium Space at Pierre Lassonde Pavilion @

Musée National des Beaux-arts du Québec by OMA

2016, first visit to Quebec City, beyond the old town sitting in a quite neighborhood, 

a newly built museum extension.

I enjoy taking photos of the dynamic spaces, while there is a right balance use of shape and geometry intersect with circulation make it an interesting flow compare to a chaotic and disoriented scene. Firmly believing, the rightness is based off the context, and how a space can be viewed standalone by itself while keeping the rest maintain its identify.  

Project Spec @ Archidaily


Movement at Atrium

These are series of photography studies capture the flow of movement in the main circulation space. Jean-Noël Desmarais Pavilion of Museum of Modern Art in Montreal.

An addition built in 90's. Many innovation and critics but elevate the museum into the modern era.

Interested in the work of architect and history, you can find it here